GTA Vice City Cheats Free Download for PC. GTA Vice City is one of the most popular games in the GTA series, so popular that Rockstar Games is releasing a remastered version for PC and consoles alongside the final version.
GTA Vice City Cheats Free Download Overview
Vice City returns with new graphics, but many elements, including the code, remain unchanged in the remastered version. Click here for the full code for the PC version of GTA Vice City. You can also download GTA Vice City.

These game codes were introduced by Rockstar at the time of Sin City and were very popular when San Andreas was released. To use these codes, simply enter the message on your console and the code will activate instantly. You can also download GTA Vice City The Definitive Edition.

GTA Vice City Cheat Code List:
- thug weapons…………… TAB+1
- professional weapons……. TAB+2
- weird weapons………….. TAB+3
- full armor…………….. TAB+4
- full health……………. TAB+5
- +2 wanted level………… TAB+6
- 0 wanted level…………. TAB+7
- nice weather…………… TAB+C
- lovely weather…………. TAB+V
- cloudy weather…………. TAB+B
- rainy weather………….. TAB+N
- misty weather………….. TAB+M
- spawn infernus…………. RSHIFT+1
- speed up timeflow………. TAB+D
- explode nearby vehicles…. TAB+F
- people start fighting…… TAB+G
- people attack you………. RSHIFT+M
- everyone has weapons……. TAB+H
- walk faster……………. LSHIFT+A
- walk slow……………… LSHIFT+S
- invisable cars…………. LSHIFT+D
- flies flying around…….. LSHIFT+F
- Car handles oddly………. LSHIFT+G
- Media level with +2 stars.. LSHIFT+H
- Girls have guns………… LSHIFT+J
- kill yourself………….. LSHIFT+K
- all traffic lights to green LSHIFT+L
- traffic goes fast………. RSHIFT+A
- all Spawed cars pink……. RSHIFT+S
- all spawed car black……. RSHIFT+D
- flying car…………….. RSHIFT+F
- spawn bf injection……… RSHIFT+2
- spawn hunter/apache…….. RSHIFT+3
- spawn rhino …………… RSHIFT+4
- spawn sea sparrow………. RSHIFT+5
- spawn sabre turbo………. RSHIFT+6
- play as Lance Vance…….. RSHIFT+E
- play as Ken Rosenberg…… RSHIFT+D
- hilary skin……………. RSHIFT+V
- rock and roll man skin….. RSHIFT+C
- one armed bandit skin…… RSHIFT+X
- mafiosi skin…………… RSHIFT+Z
- Cars can hover over water.. RSHIFT+G
- Sports cars get big wheels. RSHIFT+H
- Girls get in your car…… RSHIFT+J
- Flying boats…………… RSHIFT+K
- mafiosi daughter skin…… RSHIFT+A
- scottish skin………….. RSHIFT+B
- spawn comet (porsche)…… RSHIFT+7
- spawn hotring………….. RSHIFT+8
- spawn sandking ………… RSHIFT+9
- women magnet…………… RSHIFT+L
- baldguy skin…………… RSHIFT+C
- Cigarrette in mouth…….. TAB+J
- Makes tommy fat………… TAB+K
- Tommy has girly arms/legs.. TAB+L
- Take Screenshot………… TAB+P
- Flip Car………………. LSHIFT+1
- Inf Health…………….. TAB+8
- Inf Armor……………… TAB+9
- Inf Ammo………………. TAB+0
- Give Money…………….. TAB+A
- Disable Mission Timer ….. LSHIFT+M
- No/All police………….. TAB+S
- spawn bloodring banger….. RSHIFT+0
- Very Heavy Car ………… LSHIFT+2
- Lock Car Doors…………. LSHIFT+3
- Make car damage proof…… LSHIFT+4
- spawn packer (ramp truck).. RSHIFT+Q
- spawn police car……….. RSHIFT+W
- Play as Candy suxxx…….. RSHIFT+N
- Cycle player outfit…….. RSHIFT+B
- Inf Run……………….. TAB+H
- Jet decrease Z…………. RSHIFT+L
- Jet increase Z…………. RSHIFT+O
- Jet Thrust…………….. RSHIFT+P
- Jet ON/OFF…………….. RSHIFT+I
GTA Vice City PC Text Cheats
Below is a quick rundown of all the cheats currently within GTA Vice City for PC.
- All heavy weapons: NUTTERTOOLS
- All light weapons: THUGSTOOLS
- Decrease Wanted Level: LEAVEMEALONE
- Girls Carry Guns: CHICKSWITHGUNS
- Full Health: ASPIRINE
- Blow up nearby cars: BIGBANG
- Cars can fly: COMEFLYWITHME
- Cars can drive over water: SEAWAYS
- Aggressive Drivers: MIAMITRAFFIC
- All medium weapons: PROFESSIONALTOOLS
- Stormy Weather: CATSANDDOGS
- Dense Clouds: ABITDRIEG
- Light Clouds/clear: APLEASANTDAY
- Foggy Weather: CANTSEEATHING
- Play as Hilary King: ILOOKLIKEHILARY
- Play as Ken Rosenberg: MYSONISALAWYER
- Play as Lance Vance: LOOKLIKELANCE
- Play as Love Fist character (Dick): WELOVEOURDICK
- Play as Love Fist character (Jezz Torent): ROCKANDROLLMAN
- Play as Mercedes: FOXYLITTLETHING
- Play as Phil Cassidy: ONEARMEDBANDIT
- Makes Tommy fatter: DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS
- All cars turn black: IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK
- All cars turn pink: AHAIRDRESSERSCAR
- All traffic lights are green: GREENLIGHT
- Raise Wanted Level: AIRSHIP
- Fast boats can fly: ONSPEED
- Makes everything slower: BOOOOOORING
- Makes you smoke a cigarette: CERTAINDEATH
- Only the wheels of a car are visible: WHEELSAREALLINEED
- Pedestrians Hate You: NOBODYLIKESME
- Pedestrians Riot: FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT
- Perfect Handling: GRIPISEVERYTHING
- Shows Media Level: CHASESTAT
- Speed up game clock: LIFEISPASSINGMEBY
- Sportscars have big wheels: LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS
- Spawn a Bloodring Banger: TRAVELINSTYLE
- Spawn a Bloodring Banger 2: GETTHEREQUICKLY
- Spawn a Hotring Racer 2: GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST
- Spawn a Rhino: PANZER
- Spawn a Sabre Turbo: GETTHEREFAST
- Spawn a Romero’s Hearse: THELASTRIDE
- Spawn a Trashmaster: RUBBISHCAR
- Spawn Love Fist’s Limo: ROCKANDROLLCAR
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GTA Vice City Cheats Download Information
Click the button below to start downloading GTA Vice City. This is a complete offline installer and standalone setup for Private GTA Vice City Cheats Free. It will work perfectly on a compatible Windows PC.
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